Saturday, February 21, 2009

Investigating Bush's Crimes?

In an article that appeared in The Nation entitled Investigating Bush’s Crimes, the author reflected on the question of whether or not a special prosecutor would be appointed to investigate the “gravest crimes” of the Bush administration. Those who believe so were not satisfied when Obama said he was more interested in looking forward than looking back. As the article stated further, it’s not that Obama takes the issue lightly, but he puts more important issues first- like bailing out the American people. The author affirms that an increasing number of American people are concerned about what the Bush administration did, and they can’t wait to press charges. I personally think that President Bush did the best he could have, considering the various, complicated circumstances with which he was confronted. I’m sure that every decision he made weighed heavily on him as the leader of this country, because the United States of America depended on him to stop terrorism in its tracks.

The article also talked about Susan Crawford, a Bush Administration official responsible for the military commissions in Guantanamo, telling the Washington Post that she refused to approve the charges against Mohammed al-Qahtani because he had been tortured. What about the many people that boarded those planes that awful morning in 2001 and never made it home to their families? I doubt very much that their survivors would be as concerned as Ms. Crawford is for this alleged terrorist’s welfare. The only thing on the American people’s mind is who is responsible for this terrible loss and how they can be made to pay. Speaking of torture, does being trapped in a burning building, knowing that you’re never going to see your husband, wife or kids again qualify? I believe the documentary said the north tower alone burned for 59 minutes before it collapsed.

Finally, I agree with President Obama, that looking toward the future, not looking back, is what the country needs. I think that Mr. Bush, though he did make mistakes, meant well for this country. In his zeal to protect the American people & to assure that 9/11 would not be repeated, he may have crossed the line in certain areas- but I doubt there was any criminal intent. I think President Obama will do everything in his power for the betterment of the American people, and he does not need to be encumbered with endless hearings as he attempts to solve the economic mess America finds itself in. We can learn from the mistakes of the Bush Administration, but it is time to pick up the pieces and go on.

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