Saturday, April 11, 2009

Slashing Social Programs

The article in the New York Times today was about the numerous budget cuts of many social programs and how it has affected some of our most vulnerable. Even though Obama’s stimulus package has helped some, still, groups like the elderly, child welfare, Medicaid, home counseling and others suffer greatly. The interim chief of the Arizona Department of Economic Security has said that these short-term savings will cause long-term effects. I must say that I agree with her whole-heartily. I also know that Arizona is not the only place where people are struggling to get by because it’s felt by people in Kentucky too. It seems that President Obama did mention something in one of his speeches that it was better to take preventive measures concerning medical services and expenses. Well, all of these cuts are certainly not one of those measures. It will cost the government more money to take care of the elderly in nursing facilities then to hire aids to service them at home. It will also cost the government more money to finance foster homes for abused kids then to work with the family. Personally, I think these cuts are the results of poor management.

I personally know of an instance where two people were sent to work on a home contract basis after several years of employment for an agency area development district because of federal cut backs. Both of them lost all employee benefits and retirement just to keep their jobs. The executive director told them that there had been major cuts in the aging program and unless they both agreed to go on home contract, then one of them would be fired, so naturally neither one of them wanted to see the other lose their job. After they went on contract, a month later the executive director had all of the offices renovated and hired other employees. Then soon after, they decided to have a brand new building built and relocated to another city.

The American people cannot afford to sit back and let the elderly and poor innocent children suffer because of poor management or anything else. The cut backs affect us all and some are just now beginning to feel what I have for several years now. I know what it’s like- not to be able to go to the doctor because of no insurance, and I also know what it’s like not to have a retirement. The only thing that can be done is, give up everything that you don’t need and pray for a better tomorrow.


  1. I think it is terrible that the elderly and children suffer when cut backs happen. You are right that this is just a result of poor management. The stimulus package has helped some, but not enough people.

  2. this is a good article and i liked what Jackie said about it. There are way too many people that have to do with out because of peoples poor management.
