Saturday, March 7, 2009

Health Care Reform

This article which appeared in the New York Times, March 5 2009, was about Obama’s health care plan. President Obama warned lobbyists and others not to stand in the way of efforts to hold back costs so all Americans can have health coverage. To me, a person who has no health insurance, the prospect of affordable health coverage seems like a dream come true, but I’m afraid it won’t work, no matter how many plans the President comes up with. The article stated that President Obama would establish a public insurance program to compete with private carriers, but I still doubt that any plan will work, because many people cannot afford insurance from any carrier. All carriers drive their costs up because of hospitals, doctors, research etc. It’s sad when you can go to Wal-Mart and pay $4.00 for a bottle of Excedrin, but hospitals charge $6.00 for one.

There are over 46 million people living in the United States without health coverage. If the government can issue KCHIP for kids, Medicare for seniors, and Medicaid for the disabled or poor, why not change the age limit and let the government take care of everyone. Maybe Washington needs to set a law that makes it illegal for doctors and hospitals to rob people of everything they have including their dignity. Why can’t people be allowed to pay what they can afford? Surely people who are ill and in need of a doctor are willing to pay something. Most people really don’t want charity, but they want equality, especially when it comes to their health.

There are too many special interest groups entered into Washington who fight to the last minute to stop any progress the President tries to push through concerning health care reform. The Multi-billion dollar corporations and enough willing lawmakers who sponsor the Medical industry, (especially on the Republican side) are acknowledging the whole affair. The whole idea of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness becomes a cruel joke when you live with the prospect of one trip to the hospital wiping out all you have or ever hope to have in this life.

1 comment:

  1. It is very sad the whole insurance situation. I only work part time so I am not eligible for insurance. Although my kids get Kchip. Luckily if they are sick they are covered as for myself. I'm up the creek without a paddle. Like you said just because it's out there doesn't mean its affordable. It would be great if some things could change. If it were a little cheaper and offered to part time employees.
