Saturday, March 28, 2009

Obama's dichotomy

In the article of The Nation entitled, Obama Rips Republican Critics but Eschews Populism, the writer expresses his opinion, claiming that Obama was contradictory in explaining the misuse of the federal bail out money by the multimillion dollar insurance giant AIG. The writer also claims that the President is two sided in his speech by saying that he was as angry as everyone else about the bonuses, but goes on to say that the public can’t afford to demonize every investor who tries to make a profit, and even made the suggestion to loosen up on the rich guys. The writer further compared Obama to Roosevelt during the Depression, when Roosevelt attacked the bankers and speculators, saying that they have resorted to exhortation and pleaded for restored confidence of the American people.

The article reported that Obama lashed out at Capitol Hill critics for criticizing his budget proposal and was sharp in striking out at congressional Republicans during the press conference, accusing those who griped, of having a short memory reminding them that he inherited the economic crisis incurred by the free-spending of the Bush/Chaney administration. Mr. Obama stated that the reason for the criticism was because the Republicans did not offer an alternative budget plan of their own and asked why. He says that they know its the long-term deficits of hugh care costs, once again straying away from the media's questions concerning AIG.

I agree with this writer because I too watched the conference and Mr. Obama did seem eager to point out the fact that he walked into this mess, and it was his responsibility as president to try to make mends for the out of control spending. I thought his sharp remark about wanting to make sure he knew what he was talking about before addressing the nation, was just a cop out. In fact, I think he actually knew it was the Democratic controlled congress that was to blame for their lack of control of government spending,but just avoided saying it.

link to this article is http://www.thenation.comblogs/state_of_change/420928/print?rel=nofollow

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